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Old 05-03-2012, 10:26 PM
Martin Pugh
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Martin Pugh is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Canberra, Australia
Posts: 1,343
Hello all
thought I would pick up on this thread from last year.
I am back in Australia and have set up the Canon 50mm f1.2 L lens and the ST8300. Given the expense of this lens, I expected super results, but instead, they are very disappointing.

I have tried the lens at the native f1.2, 1.4 and 1.6, and the off-axis aberrations are terrible.

I am not getting this? These results should be really good. Is it something to do with the size of the ST8300 chip? However, when I review Phil Hart's post, and I am now curious as to whether f2.8-f4 is where this lens should operate?

This is a brand new lens, so what is a simple test to see that the lens itself is ok?

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