Newbie here

. Haven't seen any reports from WA, so thought I'd chime in.
After reading Ian Cooper's post I decided to drive south to the Mandurah Esturary around 2 am for a look. Light pollution is pretty low down there. I took 2 cameras, 1 for timelapsing and the other stills. I started taking images around 2:50 WST. At around 3:10 the first hint of tail appeared above the trees and by 3:15 I could see it visually. It stayed in clear view (non averted vision) from then until around 4:10 (deep twilight). An awesome sight.
Attached is one of the images:
Time: 3:38 WST
Camera: 5D2
Focal: 73mm
Aperture: f/4
ISO: 3200
Shutter: 12 s
I also attempted a 24mm timelapse of the whole event. Haven't looked at that yet, but if it's any good I'll post it here.
If you're lucky enough to have clear skies tomorrow, I urge you to go out before the onset of astronomical twilight. If the comet is anything like it was this morning you won't be disappointed.
Thanks to Ian for the heads up.