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Old 09-10-2011, 12:04 PM
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Originally Posted by AstroAussie View Post
I think that is definitely worth considering! Thanks for the suggestion cventer

Always hard to decide when making a purchase for astro work. Thanks for the input Mike.

Firstly let me say thanks for taking the time for this detailed reply, Greg. The information is fantastic. The reason I was leaning towards Officina Stellare is because the information I was given was that they are the only one of two suppliers that does a genuine triplet fluorite on the market, the other being TEC. Taks were also mentioned and it was noted that TEC would be as good as OS and the Tak slightly behind the two. As you have worked out I am looking for a very high end refractor and just want the best setup I can get with the current budget. I would like a TEC or AP but I am a little nervous about the 2nd hand market in that I am worried about the quality of the optics (scratches) and shipping. This is another reason that the OS refractor was appealing considering I could pick it up new from a local dealer BUT if the initial quality is not there then I would prefer something else.
If I could pick up something with a Strehl of 0.99 then I am there! I think after reading your post I am definitely rethinking my options. I would like to get something fast and flat so I will be looking very closely at your suggestions an definitely the reducer/flattener as it would be critical. Next I could search for a really nice CCD. I have read your post regarding the new Kodak sensors which sound great but as usual with this hobby , if it sounds great it costs $$$. My thinking is now starting to head towards a nice 0.99 strehl TEC or AP (if I can find one) and then start investigating CCDs.
Your input has been greatly appreciated and if you have anymore suggestions to add pease do! I would be interested in your experiences with second hand purchases.Thanks again

You're welcome Lucas.

If the dealer said OS make a fluorite triplet perhaps they do. They specs on the Hiper 130mm says OK4 glass which is LZOS. Not many companies actually make the lenses. Even Tak uses a subcontractor. OK4 is Russian Glass. As far as I know there are only 2 fluorite suppliers - Schott Glass in Germany and OHara glass in Japan. OK4 glass lens is a giveaway that the lens is really a LZOS air spaced triplet. OK4 is exotic glass like FPL53 and it contains mostly fluorite and has been referred to by dishonest marketers - notably William Optics, incorrectly as fluorite which is a different type of lens.

I have yet to hear anyone unhappy with a TEC140 and they are new about US$5500 from Yuri.

I have bought many things from Astromart. I was diddled only once - an SBIG ST10XME that never arrived. I chased the guy and he did repay me about half the money and now with their economy in poor shape he hasn't paid any more for a long time.

So if buying from Astromart I would always ask for a photo of the goods, the sellers phone number and call them. I would only buy off of those with multiple high ratings over a long period. Then I think it is quite safe.
You can have them get the scope professionally packaged if you are concerned about packaging. The bulk of the people in this pursuit are older more responsible middle class type people and I find very trustworthy if you do the above. I did win an auction for an AP160 once for US$17,000. I called the guy and he said he wanted me to send the money to his father in law because he was going through bankruptcy court and he didn't want to disclose the money. I talked to the father in law over the phone and he sounded OK. But there was no mention of any of this in the ad. So I thought I would turn the tables on him on trust and ask him to ship and I would pay on arrival. He was all offended. Perhaps I flushed him out. I told the owner of Astromart about what he told me and he immediately banned the guy from the site and would not allow him to relist it. So that was a dodgy deal but it may still have worked out but US$17K? You want everything to be clear and clean.

TEC140's go for about US$4500 to $5000 2nd hand and I think they are about $5500 new with probably a wait of 6 months or so.

There was an AP140 for sale last week for US$8500.

Tak TOA130 sell often for around US$4500 or less. I think any comment that the TOA series is a bit less than the TEC or AP is untrue. Ask any TOA owner. Apart from the fact that TOA scopes are quite heavy for their aperture (and thus put a strain on the mount) they are amazing instruments. Have a look at Marcus Davies images on this site using a TOA150.

You've got a large budget there Lucas and you should be able to get something spectacular for that much.

AP130 GTs are often for sale on Astromart for about US$6500-7000 and they are fairly new. Usually they post an image of the lens if you are worried about scratches.

William Optics 132mm I suspect also use a LZOS lens and they sell for about US$3000 or less 2nd hand.

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