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Old 02-10-2011, 12:29 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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It could be part of the problem. Perhaps the tilt is not the same in different subexposures as well.

I commented on this image at the time to Wolfgang and he agreed he had tilt in the system. It is quite likely the tilt is more serious than the
"it was a quick test" image. As Peter says not many scopes can handle the 16803 large chip and it will show up tilt far more easily than smaller chips and will test the claimed corrected circle of a scope heavily. It will also test the focuser for sag and flexure hard as well.

The Veloce RHA 200 with a 60mm corrected circle should handle it. A fixed length screwed solid adapter then a FLI Atlas focuser would be the best option after reading many posts about various focusers like Robofocus etc.

You gotta like the compact size of that Veloce and whilst it sounds shallow that red colour is fantastic!

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