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Old 30-09-2011, 09:18 AM
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Amunous (Michael)
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Amunous is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: erina
Posts: 151
I'm glad this has evolved into an intellectual debate. I'm sick of people's only arguments being;

Me: So i think there is life somewhere in the universe.
Random person: No there isn't.
Me: How so?
Random person: Because i said so.!! (or only idiots believe in that crap.)
Me: Well what about (insert several points here)
Random person: Uh ahhhh your WRONG!!
Me: /facepalm.

And don't forget people... anyone referencing physics and thermodynamics and such. All those papers and theories were derived from experiences or experiments that occurred on earth. Therefore the laws can only be applied to anything on earth. Once you move to another planet with different mass, rotation speeds etc etc all those theories and practices get thrown out the window.
You only have to look at how gravity behaved on the moon to see how stupid it would be to apply the same principles to every planet in the universe. Different gasses on planets would also interrupt the way thermodynamics would work on different planets, unless of course EVERY planet in the known universe is identical and the same distance from their sun, rotating at the same speed, and covered in the same gasses, and has the same mass...

Like i said we are limited to what we know and understand. Once we start exploring space all our laws and rules will be null and void. We are already learning that just by stepping into the inner reaches of space.

Just because a set of biological rules works here doesn't mean that it will work elsewhere. If that was the case we wouldn't need space suits to walk on the moon, but in saying that, just because we cannot survive on the moon does not instantly mean that nothing can survive on the moon. So saying that the only way life can evolve is, this way, because that's how it happened here. Is pure folly, and just shows how narrow minded our species is.

But until we find evidence of Intelligent life elsewhere that we can exchange ideas with and learn about, its all really theories and conjecture.

Last edited by Amunous; 30-09-2011 at 09:30 AM.
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