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Old 20-09-2011, 06:09 AM
Alchemy (Clive)
Quietly watching

Alchemy is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Yarra Junction
Posts: 3,044
Go figure, if someone touched their stuff they would scream, so why do people do this stuff.
Some things can be replaced, but those sentimental things just can't.....
Makes you angry that's for sure.

The pawn shops would be their first port of call, so it's worth a look in your near area, particularly for the rings and such. I went through being robbed some time back and the pawn shops don't have to report the thieves to the police, and they must know.... See the same bludger come in day after day with their drug confused brain looking for another hit. So unfortunately the legwork is up to you.
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