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Old 24-07-2011, 02:52 PM
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The Observologist

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Location: Billimari, NSW Central West
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1976 aged 14 ...

Hi All,

Last night was the 50th anniversary celebration dinner for the Sutherland Astronomical Society and we were treated to a great slide-show of our people and activities over that time.

Here's a photo of me taken by Peter Williams at the Sutherland Astronomical Society's Bombala total solar eclipse expedition, on the morning of the eclipse 23rd October 1976. I'm at right in the white tee and faded maroon cord-jeans aged 14 years and 2 months and lusting after that telescope. Later that year I started grinding an 8" f/6. The others in the photo are former society president Greg Hayward (at the eyepiece of his 8" f/7 newtonian) and Lance Raynor.

We were heavily clouded out in the afternoon and did not see the eclipse.
Great memories!


Les D
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