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Old 23-06-2011, 09:08 AM
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astro_nutt is offline
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I agree with you Suzy..the more the merrier, so I'll add my piece!!
My first "big" scope was an 8" dob. It gave me views of the heavens that left me in awe for many years. But the best thing is does was to teach me how to use it!! I learned very quickly that it needs a careful pre-check before you start viewing. Nothing serious, but, a few simple checks does make a diffrence.
Check your finderscope. Are the lenses clean and the finder adjusted so that the stars look like dots? (or close enough to it!)
Collimation. And I mean the Focuser to the OTA. If you place a laser collimator in the focuser and the beam shifts on the primary mirror when you adjust the focuser in or out, it means the focuser is not squared with the OTA and the image will shift slightly.
As you pan the sky, stop and close your eye for about 10-15 seconds, then you might get a glimpse of a faint whisp before your eye adjust to the skyglow.
I hope this helps.
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