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Old 23-04-2011, 01:51 PM
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peter_4059 (Peter)
Big Scopes are Cool

peter_4059 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: SE Tasmania
Posts: 4,541

I feel your pain - I've gone through a similar process over the past couple of years trying to eliminate this type of movement between subs. My last mod was to replace the main ota rings with some beefy ones from Parallax. I've reduced the flexure a lot since I started (now about 1 pixel per 10 minutes) but have added a lot of weight to the mount components in doing so.

One thing you might like to try is Deep Sky Stacker live - it calculates the drift from one sub to the next as you aquire the images and presents the RA and DEC drift on a chart. The chart shows pixels of drift and you can watch this as the scope tracks the object to see whether it is getting better or worse. I found the drift was worse as I moved away from the meridian.

Good luck!

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