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Old 24-03-2011, 12:02 AM
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mental4astro (Alexander)

mental4astro is offline
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Location: sydney, australia
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A quick sketch of a celestial giant.

Hi all,

Finally a clear, and dewless night! And I wasn't gonna let a bit of Moonlight spoil the party.

With the New Moon just around the corner, I took this chance to blow some cobwebs out of my pencil case. Nothing elabarate gear wise. Just my little 8" f/4 dobbie, a 30 year old eyepiece and an OIII filter and a view of the Eta Carina nebula. This was the first sketch using the Mellish technique I've done in ages. Once the 45 minute sketch was done, it surprised me how much detail was laid down. Eta Carina itself is visible as the bright orangish spot. At 29X, the Homunculus nebula isn't visible- it's too small, just its distinct colour.

Being done in Sydney, the full potential of this giant nebula isn't realised. It was more a point of getting something done after such a long time of unproductivity.

Object: Eta Carina nebula
Scope: 8" f/4 dob
Gear: RKE 28mm (29X), OIII filter
Date: 23-3-'11
Location: Sydney
Conditions: 'Sydney sky' plus last quarter Moon
Media: White paste, black & white charcoal, white & coloured ink on black paper.
Attached Thumbnails
Click for full-size image (eta carina 23-3-11 002.jpg)
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