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Old 29-01-2011, 05:13 PM
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I have the 12" Skywatcher GOTO as well and tried it a couple of times with a DMK21. Here is an example of the Trapezium area of Orion nebula with 135 x 0.4 sec exposures with 12" @ f2.7.

On a later night I tried a Meade 0.63x reducer with the scope, and after shortening the tube (easy to do with Collapsible tube) I was able to get some images of fainter DSO's. Here is the Horsehead @ f2.7, combining ~20-30 5 second exposures.

As Tom mentions the tracking is not ideal for long exposure work, but some astrophotography is possible. Would problably be quite OK for planetary.

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Click for full-size image (m42_trapezium.jpg)
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Click for full-size image (horsey.jpg)
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