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Old 30-11-2010, 10:09 AM
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Rob_K is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: Bright, Vic, Australia
Posts: 2,167
I've been looking at other locations. The edge of the eclipse path lies 70km off Norfolk Island, and totality there would last a full minute longer than when it leaves coastal Australia. The downside would be ship-based viewing, not suited particularly well to eclipse photography (so when is a short cruise a downside??? ). I was on the island from 12-19 Nov and the weather was generally partly cloudy (broken cloud), with a high chance of seeing the morning eclipse. The cloud itself was principally gathering about the island and out to sea the skies were much clearer with a very high chance of seeing the eclipse.

I discussed the coming eclipse with a few locals (who were unaware of it) and they seemed to think it was feasible to get people out there. NB you'd have to carefully vet any ship's crew - bit of a history of mutiny there! ATM Norfolk Island is reasonably expensive to get to, but they are currently in the process of untangling their special self-governing status as an Australian territory and accepting a bail-out package from Canberra that will see them become a more 'normal' part of Australia. Locals anticipate that this will enable cut-price airlines like Tiger & Jetstar to enter the market, perhaps by 2012 - Norfolk Is is a lot closer to Melbourne than Cairns.

Anyway, something to think about. Sea-borne north of New Zealand would also be an option - must check because I think there may already be a few things on offer there....

Cheers -
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