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Old 28-03-2010, 10:42 PM
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mental4astro (Alexander)

mental4astro is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: sydney, australia
Posts: 4,979
Binoculars, folks! Binoculars!

They are so overlooked!

I live in deepest, darkest (lightest sky) Sydney, and I've used my 10X50's to see the Sombrero and M83 from my back yard.

I use my binos all the time at home. Impossible to find anything by star hoping otherwise. I can see Omega Centauri naked eye from home, but not 47 Tuc.

Even 25mm binos will show most stars on a basic star chart, if this is your form of object hunting. They always show correct image orientation, so no mental gymnastics at the finder.

The chart posted by erick is the way I find the Sombrero! Funny thing is it is always easy to find it in the binos, but can be a bugger through a scope. Depends on the prevailing seeing conditions too. Last month, and with three different scopes (13.1" f/4.5, 10" f/5 and 8" f/4) the binos killed all three scopes in ease of seeing it (poor seeing too). The 8" showed it the easiest of the three scopes.
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