Thread: Gidday All
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Old 24-12-2009, 12:10 AM
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southerncross (Jeff)
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southerncross is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Cairns
Posts: 25
Welcome SC
Don't do the Seben.
As for brands there are lots of choice. Look at what Andrews communication sells. They are good value and the right price.
As for motordrives for dobs. These are fairly expensive and usually only used for big dobs. Start with the non motorised. Maybe add an argo naevis as an object finder.
I think that this is a better starting option. For tracking most people would get an equatorial mount but this is much harder to learn with and is much more expensive.
Thanks for the nice welcome Terry, I've already ruled the Seben out as a choice based on what Ive read elswhere I only use it as an example of what not to buy, I'm planning on buying just the scope and some eyepieces first up and learning from there before adding anything else , Could you give me more info on what an argo naevis is? I'm after something that will just keep the object in view rather than a goto type motor drive, Thanks again for the nice welcome Terry.

Jeff, mate i can understand your excitement of wandering out side to see the night sky.

However I feel you should have a big breath and slow down a little, you are expecting to much from buying your first scope with all the ad on's you have listed.

I will give you some sound advice, start at the beginning, and spend your dollars on a good pair of Binoculars and lay under the stars in your back yard and explore, you will be rewarded.

To many people go out and buy scopes and stuff, and after their fist attempt become disappointed of what they can really see.

It takes time and experience as you progress through your hobby.

Trust me mate we have all been there.

G'day Leon and thanks for the sound advice, I have done the Binoculars and also the poor quality Scope thing, I was totally wowed at my first view of the moon through quite a poor scope and spent hrs and hrs looking at it over many months more than a decade ago, and then trying to check out planets with the same scope. I thought it was awsome till I checked things out a little more and found that there is much more to it, I am at a time in my life now though where I know that this is something I want to do, and I can now afford to do it.
My big breath is asking you guys for some informed advice, I am not rushing in without thinking I hope, My first aim is to buy the proper scope that will allow me to later do the add ons, My first aim is the right scope and eye pieces and then to learn the sky and scope before moving on from there, I know I have a lot to learn but that's why I registered.
Thats why I'm asking you nice people, because you have all been there and done it.

Welcome Jeff .... another North Queenslander!!!
Terry gives great advice .... check out Andrews/Bintel/My Astro Shop etc .... lots of sites with great scopes.
Dobs are quick and easy, the prices are coming down a little for some tracking, but not the best mount forfull tracking. The equatorial mount is the go if you want all that automated stuff.
The Skywatcher Dob is very popular at the moment, and very good quality. An 8" Skywatcher Dob would be nice, and not too expensive, and easy to use. Andrews (and others) sell this Dob with tarcking for under the $1000. Very nice indeed!!
Thanks also for the nice Welcome Liz, Is there a local branch up this way ?

I have had a look at the Andrews site and while tracking is high on my list I am really after just a great scope and accessories to start out with, with the option of adding tracking and goto later on. I am also after something that is not too hard to move and is also able to handle the moves, I have a second home at Maryfarms up on the Table lands (near Mt Carbine)that will see most of the viewing, do you think that the collapsible Dob is a wise move?


Welcome to IIS. I have been hooked for 12 months now and use a 10" dob and it is amazing what you can find. I also added an Argo Navis (later) but only because of the ease to find objects as I did not know the sky well enough to hop around in it. I have learnt a lot and the wonders of the sky have me enthralled night after night. (clouds permitting)
Which ever way you go in this hobby, enjoy, and don't be afraid to ask questions.

Look at the Meade and GSO dobs including the truss tube variety.

Thanks for the Warm welcome Frank, Can I ask what got you hooked M8? What brand of scope you have and why you chose it? My main task at the moment is choosing the right Dob scope that will allow me to add on later as I can afford it, While I would love to get something that I can start and view on I also want to learn as I go, Can I ask what the interval was between your original purchase of your scope and the purchase of the Argo navis and also your choice of brand that allowed your add on?

Do you move your scope around much? and what eyepieces did you buy soon after your scope purchase? Is the view that you enjoy now what you expected? Is there anything that you would do differently?

Sorry for the amount of questions but I am wanting to get as much right before I buy as possible.
Thanks Jeff
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