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Old 02-08-2009, 12:15 PM
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renormalised (Carl)
No More Infinities

renormalised is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Townsville
Posts: 9,698
A visual UHC filter for the fuzzies like nebs wouldn't go astray, as they increase the contrast of the nebs against the sky background and help with skyglow from city lights etc. Also, a neutral density (Moon) filter will come in handy for viewing the Moon. Nothing worse than staring into an eyepiece and having your retina burnt off the back of your eye by glare from the Moon!!!.

But as Andrew has mentioned, get a good set of sky charts , a redlight torch to use (so it doesn't ruin your night vision), get away from the city lights if you can and learn how to use averted vision through your eyepieces. Very important, if you can, get outside in the dark as soon as you can and get dark adapted...usually takes 20-45 minutes, so that's why you should get out early and get dark adapted before you start your planned observations.
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