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Old 08-06-2009, 01:20 AM
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Skysketcher (Deirdre)
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Posts: 18
Solar Active Region 1019 June 2nd

Active Region 1019
June 2nd 2009
PST 40 mm / 8mm TVP Up scaled by eye
Pastel, and Conte on black paper
11:00 UT
After several months of drawing tiny proms dancing on the solar limb I was thrilled to see an new active region forming. Experimenting with solar drawing is fun because it is a challenge to achieve accurate details as the view is so tiny. Solar features as seen in the h alpha are very difficult to depict. I will continue in pursuit of my goal, accuracy in observing and depiction. Drawing helps me understand what I am looking at , which in turn helps me in my efforts to understand the sun.

The grey area in my sketch represents the millions of dots/dashes that seem to surround the active region and are called fibrils.They appear to line up in loops and v shapes that are constantly changing appearance.

This active region is not visible now, lets hope the next one is bigger

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