Thread: New girl
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Old 14-01-2005, 08:46 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Gosford, NSW, Australia
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ahh found it..

The 3090 means 30x - 90x zoom magnification, and it's got a 60mm objective lens. It doesn't come with any eyepieces.

It really is a terrestrial spotting scope for bird watching etc, but you will still be able to use it (albiet in a limited capacity) as an astronomical telescope, but it will be difficult.

It doesn't have a "diagonal", which means if you're pointing it straight up, you have to basically sit underneath it - not an ideal viewing position. A diagonal is a 45degree angled mirror to reflect the image up, so that you're looking down into it, rather than "along the tube".

You will be able to use it to look at the moon and maybe jupiter and saturn, but it's unlikely you'll be able to use it to look at much Deep Space stuff.. I hope it doesn't put you off this great hobby, it might be enough to get you started and then want something a bit more suited to astronomical viewing a bit down the track..

I hope i've helped, please let us know if you have any more question!
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