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Old 12-12-2008, 10:44 AM
neversommer (Pascal)
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neversommer is offline
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Posts: 33
Originally Posted by JethroB76 View Post
Kinda right there, however if that had happened Pascal would have went ahead and got the recommended heap of crap Dick Smith scope
That is right..of course IM could have been the option but i am at work from monday to friday from 8am till 5pm and I am doing as much research as I can.

Since I got so much information and got help of how to do things here,I am a bit upset that people getting into crossfire with each other of helping me out and It makes me feeling left uncomfortable,why?I went from a 120aud scope to a 239 from DS to now willing to spend almost 500 AUD on a descent scope that with some nice extras.This is a hobby not a battleground.
I am still waiting for confirmation to get my scope and I will repost once I have stop this not necessary gun fight here and people complaining about to get to use IM..

I am thankful for the time and effort spend in this thread to help me getting a scope...other forums would have left off a lot earlier maybe..but we are people who are striving to have fun and enjoyment.
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