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Old 07-12-2008, 12:43 PM
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RB (Andrew)

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Originally Posted by RB View Post
I'm like Phil, I'm very tempted but I'll wait.
I'm a bit reluctant to buy any 'just released' gear in case there's any initial problems they haven't sorted out yet.
The 1D MkIII was a disappointment to a lot of photographers and some are still having probs.
I hope this is not a major problem and can be rectified easily, but reports have surfaced that the 5D MkII suffers from a problem with black dots appearing within the highlights.
Apparently they show up along high contrast areas and look almost like blooming in reverse.

There's some examples here:

Some believe they only show up when converting the RAW using DPP but not ACR 5.2.

There's even an example from someone imaging Orion.

Hopefully it is a firmware problem and can be rectified easily.
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