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Old 15-09-2008, 09:52 PM
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Widefield wuss

AlexN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Caboolture, Australia
Posts: 6,859
This question is one that I think has to be asked... How much money are you willing to spend??

Its all good and well to say keep the 12" and mount it on a good solid GEM, but do you really want to spend $4k - $6k on a gem to start imaging?

A heq5 pro, ed80, guide scope, guide cam and 350D for imaging would set you back about $2500~$3000 (roughly) and you'd be well on your way. to use the 12" for deep sky imaging, you're aiming towards spending AT LEAST $3800 for a Losmandy G11 without Gemini, you'll want some kind of push-to, so add $1k for an argo navis, rings for the 12" come in at HUGE prices, then a guide scope, guide cam and imaging cam.. you're looking at big money...

In the long run, buying a big mount is great, but if you're just getting started, theres really no need to be spending MASSIVE MASSIVE amounts of money... Although that comment coming from me sounds a bit silly...

Oh well.. food for thought I suppose...
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