Thread: Scope's-R-us
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Old 19-08-2008, 11:42 PM
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Peter Ward
Galaxy hitchhiking guide

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Originally Posted by jase View Post
Gee Peter…Not trying to be a smart, but you sure make it sound so difficult to acquire data.........
Jase, even a shark wouldn't swallow that one

There would not be a person on this list who has not has been "equipment challenged" from time to time.

The phrase of WTF?! has come to my mind....sometimes gone a little further .... more than once when I've looked at decidedly less than perfect data from some less than cheap equipment.

Yet all that is swept away with pay-per-view.

True, data acqisition doesn't have to be hard, but it can be trying at times, and yet your position remains steadfast: what's the fuss, this is dead easy! So I suppose we'll agree to disagree there.

I find image processing, on which you weigh much, to be a mechanical process. Is this any less valid? Sure you can fiddle an fuss in CS3, but unless the data is great (again, a given with pay per view) I find myself ironing out yet another bug and doing a re-shoot.

I frankly don't know how if if CWAS will further refine their rules for 2009, but I certainly will be lobbying for continued recognition of individual effort and persistence over commercial data factories.

'nuff said.
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