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Old 03-08-2008, 07:04 PM
Legin (Nigel)
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney
Posts: 76
Hmmm I have my collimation pretty nice now. I guess. The stars look like little pinpircks but some little tails remain though it is minimal now. My main problem seems to be the fact that I can not see all of the primary mirror.

I will explain and maybe it will make sense. I align the secondary mirror under the focus tube to a point where it slooks pretty aligned. Then I try to adjust the tilt. I rack the focus tube in and out and in and out. I twist crews and whatever. I can see the three holders on my mirror but I can not seem to see all three at once. The best I can see is two and the third being right on the edge of the view (I mean needle fine on the edge).

Still I have improved my collimation a fair bit. When I first unpacked my scope the view was a little less than spectactular. The stars have less tails now and the Moon looks crisp and awesome. Heck I can even begin to see details on Jupiter, which is fast becoming my favourite thing to look at.

I really think this little scope, though it isn't the worlds best, can be significantly better.

Any ideas on this one I will try to get a picture of what I see through the sight tube. Though getting a picture of it is difficult to say the least .

What are your views of the Celestron Omni XLT 150? Is it a good or bad scope? I purchased it because it was cheap and on special. Though I am starting to think I would have been better off spending a few hundred more on a better scope. Oh well there is always my next scope eh?

Last edited by Legin; 09-08-2008 at 09:21 PM.
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