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Old 15-07-2008, 06:27 PM
Legin (Nigel)
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Sydney
Posts: 76
Thanks for the tips

Collimation is slowly making sense now. Heck I can almost do it right. I have got my scope pretty well collimated now. The secondary mirror seems a bit out of whack though.

I think the tilt of my secondary mirror is a bit out. I go through the steps of collimation aliging the secondary mirror to the focus tube (I am pretty sure that is right). Adjusting the tilt of the secondary mirror is tricky though. I never seem to be at a point where I can see the whole primary mirror. I can almsot see all of it at times but I just seem to miss a slightest bit of one edge at most times (if that makes sense).

I have tried racking the focuser in and out to help see all the primary mirror however the most I seem to see is about 98% of the primary mirror.

Hmmm maybe I just need to fiddle around a bit. Hmmm do you think the mirror could be out of alignment with the focuser after all. I swear it looks circular and I can see the whole mirror when I go through the first steps of collimation (aligining the secondary mirror). But I am a bit unsure of myself in any case. I mean, I look through the focuser and see a nice round, centered primary so it should be ok, right?

Arrrghh, maybe I just need more practise...

I am getting better at collimation. At least now I am starting to make more sense of it all. I can not wait to get the collimation right. The views with a slightly out of whack scope are pretty GOOD so I can imagine when I get it collimated it will be awesome.

Jupiter looks pretty darn good this month. Not to mention the Moon, oh and those stars over there, and there, and there and...

Last edited by Legin; 16-07-2008 at 06:14 PM.
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