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Old 11-06-2008, 07:48 PM
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sheeny (Al)
Spam Hunter

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Originally Posted by Kirkus View Post
What I got from the Autostar was "No Pass Soon." And then, there it was right on time, with me manually controlling the mount. I'm sure I looked like a goof ball. I was freaking out! I hit record on the laptop, did a bizarre sort of contortion so I could see through the view finder, and chased the thing across the sky. Through the FOV and out the other end. Through the FOV and out the end. I actually got the giggles imaging what this must look like should a neighbor be spying on me.

Anyway, in the end, I have over 5,000 of the most beautiful empty black frames. LOL.

For Matty P ---->

You're a better man than I am.
I can relate to that! I've felt the wind in my hair and the bugs in my teeth just watching it pass in the 20x80's (let alone through a scope!).

It's a totally different type of imaging... time pressured!

Keep it up! Those 5000 black frames make 1 capture all the more precious! (and fun!)

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