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Old 09-04-2008, 06:58 AM
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iceman (Mike)
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iceman is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Gosford, NSW, Australia
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I'm with Gary.. personally I doubt I'd use LiveView even if I had it (for astro targets). Yes it has its benefits for daytime use but for astro, if you're hooked up to a computer, then using a program with algorithms to tell you how sharp your focus is, is surely going to give you a more accurate result than "by eye" with live view.

DSLR Focus is unlikely to be supporting the 40D, but there is ImagesPlus and other DSLR capture programs that have focus assist.

I used Chris' modded 350D on the weekend, it apparently has the "1a" filter in it, whatever that means. Without realising it, took all my images with a CWB setting as he had last used it for daylight use. So all the images came out with almost normal colour (colour temperature 3150 or so), only slightly more red. Obviously I could've changed the colour temperature before processing (I shot in RAW), but the detail was still there - and the colour was better.

Don't give up so soon, Eric. *slap slap* Actually try taking a few images and process them to see how it turns out.
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