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Old 28-02-2008, 06:00 AM
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montewilson (Monte)
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montewilson is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Sydney
Posts: 374
I use a generator. Honda 2000i far from cheap but perfect for this equipment. It is bigger than I need. Honda make smaller ones at the same quality level.

You could consider a $100 Bunnings generator. Despite what many say, I got a year and a half of work from one and the computers/cameras weren't upset by it as long as you didn't introduce large sudden loads to the generator such as switching on a monitor or tv while imaging.

Get a couple of those cheap 25m extension cords too and put the generator 50m away and the already reasonably quiet exhaust from the generator is not an issue. You will need to mix 2 stroke oil for the cheap gen sets.

You could buy one, try it with all your equipment connected and if it doesn't suit you, quickly return it. Basically if you are getting in to serious CCD's and you want to go all night, batteries are no longer the answer.
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