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Old 29-01-2008, 08:24 AM
Dazzled by the Cosmos.

Dennis is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 11,723
Originally Posted by skwinty View Post 98 says for mirror lock up shots, use the remote switch or timer remote. Therefore interval shooting is possible with mirror lockup.
This leads to a few considerations.
3.You can manually set mirror lockup and use the remote control or lap top to control interval shooting and still take darks.

Hi Steve

I originally wrote that “Mirror Lock Up cannot be used when shooting intervals using the Canon SW”. I still believe that this is the case?

I have tried shooting intervals using the Canon SW (EOS Utility) and MLU was not possible. It appears that when you “Enable” MLU on the camera, it greys out the interval timer button in the SW, so you are not able to set the 40D to grab say, 10 off 300 sec exposures using the EOS Utility.

Also, with MLU Enabled, it looked like I was limited to a maximum of a single, manual 30 sec exposure when I set Bulb in the SW. So, you would have to manually capture individual exposures by repeatedly “clicking” the shutter release.

Although I have used MLU and set intervals using the Canon TC-80N3 remote timer, it is not an ideal situation for me, as I like to work from the computer and control things from there.

However, thanks for your contribution – it’s good to read about the experience of other astro photographers, especially on relatively new equipment where the equipment potential and limitations are still being explored. I’m always a little nervous when reporting on new gear as lack of time and knowledge under the stars with the new gear can certainly lead to incorrect or incomplete conclusions, not withstanding simple operator errors.

I think that “Remote Live View” (where the mirror is automatically locked up) is great when taking images of the Moon as I figured that there is an awful lot of signal so the increased noise wouldn’t be a problem. Also, taking photos of the Moon closely approximates normal day light shooting as we are using sensible exposures of 1/30 sec or 1/125 sec rather than the looong 300 second exposures required for typical DSO’s.


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