Thread: DSLR v other
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Old 25-11-2007, 02:05 PM
Dazzled by the Cosmos.

Dennis is offline
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 11,723
Hi Liz

I have a great admiration for anyone who plugs a ToUcam into a dob – more so when it is manually "pushed to" than on a motorised base.

A few dob users here on IIS have produced some quite amazing Lunar and Planetary images with such a combo, before moving onto motorised platforms and later on, equatorial mounts.

Just keep shovelling bits off the pile of hard work and soon the pile will reduce in size and complexity, providing you with some surprisingly good results! I would probably start with the Moon at prime focus and just get the hang of focusing and manually tracking, possibly with the aid of an astronomical assistant in the family if one is keen and available!


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