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Old 31-08-2007, 09:39 AM
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RB (Andrew)

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No one was offended Noddy, my apologies if it came across this way.
I didn't want to offend you because there was every possibility that you actually did take those photos and they look very professional.
My apologies also as I took for granted that people would post their own photos so we can see their work and hence did not outlined this in the rules, I've amended it now. Also there are copyright issues we have to be mindful of when posting on the forum.

As Dennis has so eloquently stated please don't go away, there was no intentional harm done.

Originally Posted by Noddy View Post
I'd read the instructions at the beginning. It doesn't say the photo must be taken by yourself. Sorry if I offended anyone.
Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
It is highly unlikely that you have offended anyone, certainly not me and I’m sure not RB who asked an honest question. Like you, I haven’t read the guidelines; didn’t even know that there were any!

Purely by chance, it seems that I assumed that photos had to be taken by the poster – purely by chance you didn’t, but no harm was done or intended by anyone.

So, don’t go away for the wrong reason. Get that camera out and let’s see your stuff – it could be quite interesting given the previous photos you posted? It would be a real shame if you missed the daily fun at IIS, and equally well we may miss your talent, so pause a while before you go.


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