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Old 02-05-2024, 04:47 AM
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xelasnave is offline
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Originally Posted by Leo.G View Post
I wish you well in your treatment and recovery Alex!
I have friends and relatives going through similar, a cousin with untreatable bowel cancer who has weeks to live (they keep telling him that), his younger sister just had her breasts removed after finding a lump and a kid I played snooker against when I used to play at the local club, now 40, poor fellow has incurable C spreading through his entire body. He was always a nice young fellow and has a great attitude, it's not treatable but it's manageable for the time being. Married with 2 little ones, I felt so sad when I recently saw him after a long period of not seeing him around and he told me. I think the biggest part I took from it was his attitude, he knows he won't beat it but he's doing his best and staying very positive.

I've got cancer in my ear (in the cartilage) the specialist said he didn't want to touch because it will spread rapidly (apparently it has an easy path to the brain, that made me comment "Ha, the thing will starve"!), . He wants to see me again next month. It's increased intensity of the migraines I've had daily my whole life ten fold and I'm lucky if I get 1 hour sleep per night, that's on top of strong sleeping medication. I get up and go about my day, go down the LOCAL PLAZA and smile as always and make people laugh (I'm quick witted and dim witted)), no one would know.
You seem to experience far more suffering than me sadly Leo.

Besides astronomy we share a love of cheering up others.

Had a fright yesterday..went blind in my left eye for some 30 minutes...long enough to regard it as the future...but I did not let it worry me in the least ..."mmm the start of yet another adventure today"... but it occurred to me if both went ringing for help would not happen...but I thought I could make it to my car feeling the way, allowing for short breath knockups and send a SOS with the car horn...see positive thinking on a negative assumption...but makes you realise how lucky one is to have sight...

Anyways seeing my Oncologist today.

If it's not one thing etc.

I have not moved but once within the van so held off the shortness of breath at least...but happily feeling good, no suffering, sleeping better than usual and enjoying movie after movie and science videos...what is not to like.

But even though it has passed it could be a hint of a stroke, for example,

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