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Old 25-04-2024, 01:44 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Leo.G is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Lithgow, NSW, Australia
Posts: 588
I wish I was in a position to go, my late mother lived in Gloucester for many years and I was always fond of the town. I did a lot of driving and sight seeing as a teenager around the region, I even got bogged on an old bridge in Barrington Tops which was timber and mud. No railings either side and a teenager with a high powered Monaro (sadly lowered, didn't help my predicament) and my 4 younger sisters in the vehicle, a recipe for disaster.
I got smart and made my sisters get out and walk to a safe place away from the bridge and the possibility of the Monaro going out of control, dug under, put branches and crap and eventually got out though I did nearly put it over the edge. The next time my 15 year old sister told me she'd direct me I told her I'd use a map.
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