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Old 24-04-2024, 04:16 PM
Startrek (Martin)
Registered User

Startrek is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Sydney and South Coast NSW
Posts: 6,123
Yes definitely add data whether dithered or not , you will still improve SNR after stacking
As your a loyal Startools user like me , why not give ASTAP a whirl for stacking , it definitely improved my images and whilst DSS and others are fine , the ASTAP stacked image is so much cleaner and less noisier. Done many comparisons with different data sets ( Sydney Bortle 8 and South Coast Bortle 3 )
I’ve only used ASTAP for my Mono data so far ( broadband and narrowband) but I’m sure it will equally perform well with OSC.
It’s a snack to use and there’s no groups , reference frames and endless settings to stuff around with like DSS.
It just works !!
Happy to send some procedures if your interested, if not no problemo

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