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Old 23-04-2024, 12:52 PM
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mldee (Mike)
Photon sorter

mldee is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Near Warwick, Qld, Australia
Posts: 655
Definitely checkout the Seestar S50

I second Adrian's suggestion, although for slightly different reasons.

I have collected a LOT of toys over the years, especially those initially purchased when I was starting out in 2008. All the beginner stuff turned out to be pretty well useless due to wrong choices on my part.

I have never seen, much less used, a Seestar S50, but it sure as heck seems an outstanding way to get started, especially when family is also involved. You just plonk it down on any level surface with a sky view and away you go!(Slightly over simplified ). And you get to keep the images for later further home large-screen viewing/enhancement-processing if you wish. And it's all great training for future bigger and better toys if any of the family decide to go further in the hobby.

There is also a lot more expense, setup time and operating knowledge required with a discrete component approach; Tripod, Mount, OTA, eyepieces/camera, etc, etc, plus ongoing Polar alignment, tracking if you want to do photography and so on. Actually, a reasonable set of binoculars is a good way for the family to do the initial sky viewing stuff, followed up by the Seestar for the permanent more detailed images to take home.

And the Seestar, which is relatively inexpensive, should be easy to sell if you decide that approach is not for you.

BTW, there's a FB Seestar group and lots of Youtube videos out there to help you decide.

Good luck in your planning.

Last edited by mldee; 23-04-2024 at 01:08 PM.
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