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Old 18-04-2024, 09:32 AM
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Gravity does not Suck

xelasnave is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Tabulam
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What gets me and as being shown here is the absence of logic and reason of these conspiracy folk.

Take the big Pharma conspiracy that "they" have the cure for cancer but keep it secret to make money from the stuff they already could think that if you had the cure you could make many fold the money offering that over stuff that does not offer as good a benefit.

I was on some meds that were like $3000 a pack...I got them for $40..but one day it hit me..if I had to pay $3000 ..or more to continue living I would pay if the new box of stuff that really works costs $10k a box I will buy it and spend all my money until it runs is that the best business opportunity and captive market out there...but these fools are so dumb they do not have a clue...they think they are in the know but are just bone headed ignorant and more gullible that I can comprehend.

And also so many conspiracies require many participants and yet we can never ever ever ever get a single shread of actual evidence...just make believe...

AND Blindman never stays to present a back up for his claims..never ever ever ever...all he has is unsupported make believe and I am at a total loss to understand what he gets out of it...some feeling that he knows stuff others do not..but without evidence you know nothing..nothing...he does not get that.

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