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Old 14-04-2024, 05:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Nikolas View Post
I would never ever use a you tube video based on unscientific or pseudoscientific arguments as gospel. this thread should be locked as no good is coming from it. Especially when the author of this video is a Right wing conspiratorial nut with his hands right in the so called "epoch Times"
All valid however one hopes that folk like Blindman may see that he is the victim indeed the sheeple because of his casual acceptance of the swill put out by the various right wing web sites if for no other reason than they expect their readership to blindly accept any nonsense they present as gospel... these sheeple simply never demand evidence...I saw a you tube vid where the right wing sheeple said " hammers are responsible for more deaths than from guns"...The interviewer was able to google and show such was nonsense but somewhere someone pumps out that swill and these conspiracy folk just lap it up ..Google it...simple ....My point is that the need for evidence should be rubbed in the faces of these folk who hear rubbish and believe it...

Now Blindman will not produce evidence and like so many think because he only frequents these dumb web sites he can have a make believe world....I actually feel sorry that they just can not see that one must have evidence else you are buying make believe...

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