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Old 12-04-2024, 11:23 PM
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xelasnave is offline
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Originally Posted by JA View Post
Hi Alex,

It's not clear, since you didn't quote, whether your thoughts above relate to my earlier post about cloud seeding or the originally posted link. Just curious, which one was it?

All directed to the op.

I am entirely familiar with cloud seeding it has been around since I was a is well documented evidenced etc. ...I doubt that there is a program to brighten clouds but if there is the evidence can show such...I suspect the poster was using the video to some how support his conspiracy theories about weather control but in typical fashion merely hints lacking the fortitude to make his claim and support same with real evidence.

The opening poster has in the past posted stuff here relating to weather control and to my mind established himself as a conspiracy theorist around weather control ... I strongly dislike conspiracy theorists because they mistakenly believe they know more than the bulk of the population whom they disrespectfully refer to as sheeple and yet their conspiracy theories are devoid of evidence and no more than make believe which hardly puts them above any honest person.

In any event the poster has plenty of stuff from me that he can challenge and moreovertell us if he has the word "sheeple" in his vocabulary and further outline all he knows about weather control and present all the evidence that supports his various claims.

And how are you? I hope you and yours are well.

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