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Old 12-04-2024, 08:33 PM

JA is offline
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Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
Hmmmm typical of the swill conspiracy folk lap up....but it must be true cause a man in a suit on the net said so...however before we join the chicken little club lets ask exactly who is doing this stuff and details of these conspirators such that we can know the facts and look past the swill the conspiracy waffler contends to be happening...if such programs are in place there will be folk who can give us the facts and we can then look at the evidence .... so many "stories" never offer evidence and given the gullibility of their target readership one can see there really is no need, however evidence is how we determine reality ...if you want to live there.

Originally Posted by xelasnave View Post
I suppose the point that needs to be made is simply that the "Chem Trail" conspiracy, like all conspiracy theories provide zero evidence for the claims made relegating all unsupported claims to the realm of make believe.... conspiracy folk always present as if they known more than the folk they consider to be uninformed forgetting that an idea needs facts and evidence to be classed as more than make believe and in fact these conspiracy folk actually know less than most because they have no understanding of the concept of evidence and fail to understand that if a claim can not be proved in the lab or under the rules of evidence that are used in our courts then all one has is make believe and that being the case speculation is meaningless.

Hi Alex,

It's not clear, since you didn't quote, whether your thoughts above relate to my earlier post about cloud seeding or the originally posted link. Just curious, which one was it?

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