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Old 10-04-2024, 12:22 PM
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Widefield wuss

AlexN is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Caboolture, Australia
Posts: 6,859
Thanks mate! I was trying to push the OIII a little harder, but it doesn't seem to be there really... I will have another look at the data at some point and see how I go with it... The data is there, no doubt about it... I just need to tease it out...

I was honestly shocked to see the initial stretch... Compared to what was being shown in NINA when the images were downloading, there is SO MUCH MORE going on in that field of view than I expected to see!

These Askar D1 filters are amazing!
I considered originally the C1/C2 filterset, as the pair of them were cheaper than just the D1 on its own, however the OIII bandpass is 35nm, which is just not going to cut the mustard when the moon is up at all, or when I'm shooting to the south like with this image!
The E series are available already, E1/E2 being Ha/OIII and SII/OIII with 3nm bandpass, but they are about $880 each, which is 100% out of the question for me, and since my home is Bortle 4, I'm quite happy with 7nm

Thanks again guys.
I'll take a look at the colour and try to find a good reference image to guide my processing.
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