I purchased an Esprit 80 from the IIS classifieds last year as a new wide-field imaging scope to replace the AT65EDQ. Of course the weather has been pretty terrible ever since & that combined with some other commitments means I haven't had the chance to get it fully dialed-in. Back-focus is kind-of new to me and I have some sensor tilt that needs solving - all of which is way more obvious at f5.
I tried the Hocus Focus aberration inspector (after getting mixed results with Astap) and it died with an exception error forcing NINA to close down.
Anyway here is my first image from Bortle 7/8 with a very small amount of data. Some broadband with an Optolong L-Pro, boosted with a bit of narrowband from an Antlia dual-band filter.
I don't think there's anyone who doesn't already know what this object is.
Larger version here at