Thread: [FOR SALE] Light Boxes
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Old 12-03-2024, 10:39 AM
Leo.G (Leo)
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I wanted to ask about LED's and acrylic for another project but it's nothing I can't use a light board for till I figure it out myself.
I want to back-light a canvas print of the moon, it looks amazing with the light board behind it and I was curious what specific acrylic sheet won't show multiple bright spots from the individual LEDs instead of an even lighting. I was also thinking of buying LED strips to do it but thought I'd ask someone who has done this numerous times before.

EDIT: Sorry, I didn't read through the thread and have only just seen the email address a few posts up.
I'll email and if you have 5 minutes to help with my enquiries I'd much appreciate it, if not I'll buy some items (or see what I likely already have here in LEDs and acrylic) and play myself.

Last edited by Leo.G; 12-03-2024 at 10:56 AM.
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