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Old 11-02-2024, 02:03 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
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Leo.G is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Lithgow, NSW, Australia
Posts: 594
Yep saw that and hopefully ill have a better idea of what im doing then, took me 3 hrs to focus the dslr lens last night lol
A little late, I only just noticed this thread:
I've seen mention but not tried it myself that a wire strainer as used in the kitchen can be used as a Bahtinov mask for camera lenses.
What I tend to do is take images, check the focus with zoom in review mode and adjust and do it again and again, rinse and repeat process until I'm satisfied these old eyes are seeing something in decent focus, that or take a few shots remembering what focus adjustments I made and run inside with my card to a computer with a 27" screen I can actually see.

I also have a habit of marking lenses with a marker with a definitive mark for astronomy based infinity which is always slightly different to land based infinity. The marker always cleans off with a little methylated spirits on a tissue or cloth so it's not anything that damages or permanently marks the lens in any way.

I've spent too many nights outside with what looks like perfect focus on the little screen (pre live view camera) only to find I have hundreds of images all out of focus.
If the clouds ever disappear I may try a strainer on a DSLR lens. I don't see that happening soon, sadly.
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