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Old 03-01-2024, 02:00 PM
Startrek (Martin)
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Startrek is offline
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Sydney and South Coast NSW
Posts: 6,108
Hi Benji,
Welcome to IIS
Let me say firstly to congratulate you for taking on a Newtonian Reflector telescope as a newbie
Most folk new to the hobby shy away from Newts and opt for smallish refractors up to 80mm.
From your post you certainly have started on the front foot , so only up and up from here , well done !!
Secondly a 150mm Newt is an ideal scope for both visual observing and imaging and will serve you well. I used one for 5 years and now have advanced to an 8” and 10” Carbon fibre imaging Newts.
Finally , in regard to Astro photography especially deep space long exposure Astrophotography, the mount is the primary consideration. I can’t emphasise enough how important the mount is when it comes to Astrophotography.When you have finances available and want to advance to the next step in the beginner phase , I strongly recommend a mount upgrade to the HEQ5 Goto mount ( as a minimum for your 150mm Newt) or if you want to future proof your set up for years and years to come , an EQ6-R pro mount ( of course the EQ6-R is a lot of money to outlay but is worth every cent , I’ve owned 2 and still use one )
One final bit of advice , read , read , read , I’ve been at it for 6 years now in retirement and still lots more to learn , you never stop learning in this wonderful hobby.

All the best and enjoy the journey

Clears Skies
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