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Old 16-12-2023, 01:40 PM
bluesilver (Peter)
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Join Date: Jul 2018
Location: Australia, Tasmania
Posts: 427
Issues with laptop loosing Stellarium software.

Hi, I have a hp elite notebook that is second hand and been using it for a few years now in my observatory.

Every now and then i get an error when trying to open Stellarium for the short cut it generates when it is sinstalled.
I get an error saying something like can't open or find Stallerium ( i forgot to take a phot of the message )

When i look in the Stellarium folder, i noticed the exe file has gone ( sorry i am not that good with computers )

So i have to remove Stellarium and re install it, I find i have to also manually go in a delete the Stellarium foler and create a new one otherwise it comes up with a message when trying to install it saying it can't create a folder.

It was all working fine last night and this morning i wanted to setup ready for tonight and found i couldn't open Stellarium again and this time it also did the same for my mount, iOptron commander software

First time it has lost the file to open my iOptron software.
Laptop doesn't ever go online.

I was just interested to know if anyone may possibly know what is causing all this to happen, or do i just really need to get another Laptop?

The only thing i do is, all the images get saved onto the laptop and i then transfer them to a USB stick the next day and then delete all the images from the laptop ready for the next imaging session

Any advise would be appreciated.
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