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Old 01-12-2023, 12:46 PM
Leo.G (Leo)
Registered User

Leo.G is offline
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Lithgow, NSW, Australia
Posts: 593
Isn't the purpose of a digital eyepiece just to put the image on a screen of some description?
Wouldn't an older camera (or web cam) itself suffice for the purpose without the complexity of getting distance to glass for an eyepiece absolutely right for clarity reasons?

Sorry, my question is based on ignorance as I haven't seen what you are mentioning on youtube but getting electronics matched to just a sensor wouldn't be the easiest task. By the time you get the signal cable fitted you have a box the size of a n already made camera or, digital eyepiece already sold without any of the complexity.
Yes, I understand the financial side but there's a lot of complexity in the small cameras and if you're just stripping the guts out to fit to an eyepiece you are effectively just reassembling a camera.

I just researched videos of people making digital eyepieces, the videos I managed to find they weren't actually making a digital eyepiece, they were simply fitting a CRUDE nose cone to a cheap web cam so it will go in a focuser.
I'm sure if you asked on here someone would probably be happy to send you a working Philips SPC 900 for the price of the postage (otherwise search your local markets online). The Philips SPC900 (and some Toucam models) were amazing low light web cams (no longer made) which could easily have a nose cone screwed straight into the lens housing with NO modification required and have quite a solid reputation as an astronomy camera.

Last edited by Leo.G; 01-12-2023 at 01:50 PM.
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