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Old 26-10-2006, 10:01 PM
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h0ughy (David)

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Originally Posted by sheeny
Harmony for the ears... my son Joel playing my classical guitar. I'm a proud dad!

Actually at Christmas a year or two ago, all my family and Lyn's family were together. I'd just got a new acoustic bass, so Joel and I were having a jam - me on bass and Joel improvising with rhythm and lead. Lyn's daughter, Jarita, picked up some clap sticks and joined in keeping an excellent beat (she was 9 at time). When we finished she said "Was that real music or were you just making it up?"

We both just said "Yes!"

The next photo with have a lenticular cloud in it.


not fully up with this type of cloud I suspect it is rare, looking it up on the net it looked a beautiful sight. the only thing that I have seen come close for me is this that I took last year with the layering of clouds with the storm approaching. i suspect it is not quite what the topic is. Who has a shot of this cloud---Astroman?
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