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Old 17-08-2023, 09:43 PM
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Help a noob with PixInsight

I need some help with PixInsight while my trial is still active. I have multiple nights of data on a target with each night also having its own set of Darks, Flats and DarkFlats. I want to know the best way to combine all these in PI. The data I have is as follows (all taken with an OSC camera, no filters involved):

15/06/23: 97 x 60 sec
16/06/23: 137 x 60 sec
17/06/23: 192 x 60 sec
23/06/23: 62 x 60 sec
11/07/23: 66 x 90 sec
09/08/23: 31 x 180 sec
10/08/23: 23 x 300 sec
11/08/23: 24 x 300 sec
14/08/23: 24 x 300 sec

10 Darks and 30 each of Flats and DarkFlats (a set for each night)

Previously, I used Nebulosity and I would calibrate, align and combine each night separately. Then I would align and combine the stacked images from each night into a single image, ready for stretching and other post-processing. Doing it this way made it fairly easy to add another night's data without having to stack the whole lot each time. This process worked well for me and I was happy with the results.

Back to PI, I'd read that it was better to stack everything all together. So, after watching a few of Adam Block's videos on how to use WBPP, I had everything loaded up, all correctly pointing to the right files. I'd added a set of bias frames so I could optimise the darks, etc, etc. I hit go, and 36 hours later it crashed with a memory error at the final integration phase. I tried to restart it but, no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to pick up where it left off (probably me being a complete noob at PI). I decided my sanity was more important than going through all that again and switched back to my previous workflow of stacking each night individually in PI.

So I now have 9 master light files, one for each of the nights, and I want to combine those into a master of all masters light file. I have tried to use WBPP again to combine them, with no pre-processing, but it only sees them as individual images. I can't seem to group them no matter what keywords or directory structure I use. Help!! I want to like PI, I really do!
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