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Old 14-03-2023, 10:40 PM
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gregbradley is offline
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A good read Peter. They are amazing scopes. I had the 106N and also a 106EDX111.

A couple of points I would add to this.

The focus lock mechanism for locking manual focus is defective. If you lock it the focus shifts. You have to have it partially locked, then fine focus, then lock it to prevent a shift.

The FSQ is very sensitive to temperature shifts, the most of any scope I have used. So every 1C change it needs refocusing.

The FSQ 106ED when it was first released had a host of - to me, odd coloured images. They looked like they had a mustard colour bias. I mentioned this to one owner and he actually did a test on the colour output from the scope. Sure enough there was excess green being transmitted. It apparently comes from the black paint used in the internals of the tube.

I got a TEC110 Fluorite and straight away I was able to get nicer colours. With modern image processing colour biases are somewhat easy to counteract but netherless it was something I did not like.

My 2 FSQs had no focuser issues. But I did wonder about the 106EDX focuser tube being smaller and less robust than the 106N which was like a tank. A step backward but perhaps it looks better. Both my FSQs handled a FLI Proline camera, FLI filterwheel and MMOAG with no issues. But as we know the 9 micron pixels in those cameras are fairly forgiving.

The above are not deal breakers though.

I have read several reports on Cloudy Nights where astrophotographers using the latest 61MP CMOS Sony sensors were getting colour aberrations in stars nearer the perimeter of the images. The smaller pixel showing up minor defects in the optics. Still a very high standard but the latest sensors are showing its weaknesses.

I think all long term astrophotographers eventually find an FSQ along their career path.

There are huge numbers of super images taken with these scopes so the above is not a condemnation of them but pointing out some minor niggles with them.

As you mention, the FSQ is primarily an astrograph so the focuser should be more of a priority for Tak. The EDX 1-IV models has been a series of small changes to image the focuser. I am not sure if the EDXiv is still having focuser issues but the 61mp sensors are unforgiving.

Too bad the FSQ130ED was discontinued as in hindsight it would make a good lifetime scope.

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