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Old 28-01-2023, 11:12 PM
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Testing out my system after 6 years

Hi All,
I have just completed my indoor testing of my 10" f4 telescope system
which hadn’t been fired up since January 2017.
I’m very pleased as I was never sure that everything would still work.
I finished the maintenance so far –

mostly outside cleaning and then I assembled it all.
All electrical contacts on the UPS were cleaned.

All batteries were replaced with new batteries.
The UPS needed 2 new lead acid gel batteries 18A/Hrs each.

I made a collage of some of the pictures of it.
see here:

Everything is still working:
Main camera QHY-9M using EZYCap software.
Filter wheel – 5 position for LRGB Ha.
Guide camera - Lodestar using PHD2 guiding software,
Electric focuser with hand controller,
Mount with its SynScan hand controller.
Power supply - like a UPS - with its 3 off 12 Volt outputs,
Both DC to AC inverters.
The laptop works and controls both cameras and filter wheel and mount with its software.
The Telrad is working with a new battery and needs to be mounted.

The only thing I found was the main mirror and secondary mirror could do with a clean.
That’s a big job but I have plenty of time and it will be cloudy for a while.
I look forward to testing it under the stars.

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