Thread: New observatory
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Old 28-11-2022, 01:12 PM
LonelySpoon (Neville)
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LonelySpoon is offline
Join Date: May 2022
Location: Manton
Posts: 274
Always something more to do or change, Alex. I doubt you would be laughed off the forum for failing to do something!

I looked at the gate idea too at one point back about 5 years ago and concluded they wouldn't handle the weight/load of a roof.

Remember, you can pick up most farm gates and carry them- can you do that with your roof?
Really good rollers with low rolling friction would help, of course, but I'm guessing it would need to be on the 'push with one hand and it keeps rolling' level.

Glad you got some observing in, too- it's really coming together.

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