Thread: Hi everyone
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Old 14-08-2022, 05:57 PM
alw50 (Andrew)
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alw50 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2022
Location: Underdale, SA
Posts: 20
Lots of good advice already, I'll just try to add a little bit to it.

I see you're in Singapore. That means that you have a lot of light pollution to contend with, consequently you will probably want to take your telescope to a darker sky site sometimes to get better viewing. So portability is a factor, especially if you have to lug it around for ages on the MRT!

You might to want to consider binoculars as a starling point. They open up the sky a lot compared to just your eyes, and have a wider field of view, so it's easier to find your way around the sky.

There is a very good book with a lot of practical advice about these points and a lot more, especially different kinds of telescopes and their use. It is "The Backyard Astronomers Guide" by Dickinson and Dyer. I've read it from start to finish and learnt a huge amount. It really helped me start from the basics and build up knowledge on a solid foundation. The latest (fourth) edition is best.

But, as has been pointed out, talking to other people about what they're using, and why they chose it, will be really helpful. TASOS seems to be quite active, I'm sure they'll have meetings for getting people started.

Regards, Andrew
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